Dr. Elissa Epel
Elissa Epel, Ph.D., is a Professor at UCSF whose research focuses on healthy aging, psychological and social stress, and resilience. She conducts clinical trials to examine how mindfulness, meditation, and healthy lifestyle modifications can affect cellular aging, weight, diet and metabolism.

Dr. Aric Prather
Aric Prather, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at UCSF. His research focuses on complex interactions between psychological processes and sleep as they relate to physical and mental illness. Much of his research involves understanding how social factors affect the immune system, especially inflammation as a key pathway in health and disease.

Dr. Rachel Radin
Dr. Rachel Radin is a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the UCSF Department of Psychiatry, Center for Health and Community. Her research interests include clarifying the biopsychosocial processes that contribute to eating behavior and metabolic health in adults. Rachel aims to ultimately develop complementary and integrative health interventions to improve the health of individuals with obesity and other health-related conditions.
Study Personnel
Julie Vaccaro
About the BOOSTer Study
Health officials have recently recommended booster vaccinations for all. We are inviting all current BOOST participants to continue their participation in order to assess the effectiveness of booster vaccinations. If you have already gotten your booster vaccination or plan to do so in the future, please consider extending your enrollment in the study and email us at BOOSTstudy@ucsf.edu if you would like to continue.
As a reminder, participation includes completing a short questionnaire battery and a quick trip to UCSF for a blood draw 6-months after your booster shot (for most that is during Spring, 2022). For your participation, you will receive a $100 Amazon E-Gift card, but more importantly, you will be contributing to a one-of-a-kind study!
The study aims to discover the best predictors of an optimal antibody response to vaccination and factors that promote long-term antibody response. Understanding factors that influence long-term antibody response may help us figure out ways to improve the durability of the vaccine protection against COVID and other diseases. If you would like to learn more about the study, see our FAQ’s.
Sub-Study Timeline
Booster Vaccination
Receive your booster vaccination and let us know the date you received it and the type of vaccination you received.
You may be asked to complete daily diaries or a short questionnaire if we know your booster appointment ahead of time.

Follow Up Blood Draw
(6 months later)
There are 3 steps for the follow up appointment:
Consent Form
Take one minute to sign the updated consent form.
Follow-Up Questionnaire
15- 30 minutes online anytime a week before your blood draw appointment.

Blood Draw
Come to our clinic at Clinical Research Services (400 Parnassus Ave) for a small blood sample.
Study Complete!
Contact the research team
(415) 409-8013
Leave us a message with the form below!